Learn your way around Drinks, Cocktail Party’s main screen
When you first open Cocktail Party, you’ll be shown the Drinks screen, a collection of all 1100+ recipes in the Cocktail Party library. These recipes are broken up into a few sections: New Drinks, Drinks You Can Make, Needs 1 Ingredient, and Needs 2+ Ingredients.
Drinks You Can Make
This section is where the magic happens: Cocktail Party will look at the items you’ve checked off in the Ingredients screen, and will tell you everything you can make from your ingredients.
Needs 1 Ingredient
The drinks in this section are recipes you could almost make, but which require just one additional ingredient that you don’t own. Check this section for ideas about new ingredients to buy or make.
Needs 2+ Ingredients
This section shows recipes that you need two or more additional ingredients to make.