The Jardin Epice was the first-place winner of the 2017 Gin Jubilee, a cocktail competition held across Asia and Oceania. It’s the creation of Kazi Tanbir at HYDE in Kuala Lumpur, and represents a career steeped in the flavors of herbs and spices, incorporated into ever-more-popular cocktails.
Tanbir’s recipe calls for Citadelle gin, a botanic-forward gin with notes of port and anise alongside the usual flavors of juniper and citrus. It also uses East Imperial Burma Tonic, a tonic water made with additional notes of lemongrass and Manao lime.
You may not have access to these specific brands, but worry not! Even with standard-issue tonic water and your favorite botanical gin, the Jardin Epice is a flavorful, exotic delight, every bit as lovely to gaze at as it is to sip.