Port au Prince

The Port au Prince is a classic tiki cocktail, originating with Don the Beachcomber, and then languishing in obscurity for several decades until the recipe was unearthed by Jeff “Beachbum” Berry, and then further refined by Martin Cate, owner of Smuggler’s Cove in San Francisco.

The original recipe called for equal parts aged rum and rhum agricole, which Cate replaced with a single pour of aged rhum agricole. The complex, grassy flavors are perfectly offset by citrus and clove, and even the light dash of grenadine comes through on the sip.

The recipe as written is the perfect size for a small, narrow Collins glass – but too small for a tiki mug. If you plan to serve it that way, you’ll probably want to double or even triple the recipe, depending on the size of your mug.

Shake all ingredients with crushed or pebble ice (or flash-blend for a few seconds) and pour unstrained into a pilsner or tall glass, or a tiki mug. Garnish with a wedge or wheel of lime and all manner of tropical festoonage.

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