We’ve kitchen-tested so many recipes for the Cocktail Party app that these days, we can pretty much look at any recipe and simulate its flavor in our minds.
Not so with the Hightail Out, from mixologist Ivy Mix at Brooklyn’s Leyenda cocktail bar. Blanc vermouth with cinnamon syrup? Spicy chocolate mole bitters? We couldn’t figure out what this recipe was going to taste like.
So we made it, and it was so good and so complex that we still can’t explain what it tastes like. Ever wake up from a dream and struggle to remember what it was before it slips away? Every sip of the Hightail Out is like that – each little taste different from the last, a new note singing out and making you forget the last incredible flavor, tempting you to sip again and find the next one.
If you’re reading this because you’ve got all the ingredients to make this, do yourself a favor and just do it. There’s a reason Ivy Mix wins all those mixology awards year after year, and it ain’t her cool name.