Cactus fruit syrup

Prickly pear syrup, Prickly pear puree, Opuntia, Sabra, Xoconostle, Nopal, Tuna

Cactus fruit syrup is typically made from the sweet red fruits of the prickly pear cactus, a plant native to the Sonoran desert in Mexico and the southwestern United States. It can be made with other cactus fruits, rarely – like the less-sweet xoconostle cactus fruit.

Prickly pear puree can be used in place of syrup, but you may wish to add a little sweetener to your drink to make up for the less-sweet puree.

Hibiscus syrup

Cocktails that use Cactus fruit syrup

Arizona Mule
Blanco tequila, Cactus fruit syrup, Lime...

Salt, Dried chile, Mezcal...

Old Fashioned
Bourbon, Aromatic bitters, Simple syrup...

Prickly Pear Margarita
Blanco tequila, Cactus fruit syrup, Triple sec...

Sonoran Sunset
Blood orange liqueur, Sweet orange apéritif, Cactus fruit syrup...
