Coconut water

Coconut water is the clear liquid juice of a young green coconut, strained to remove any fatty solids. It has a rich, buttery flavor and is eminently refreshing.

Coconut cream
Coconut milk
Coconut rum
Coconut syrup
Cream of coconut

Cocktails that use Coconut water

Light rum, Coconut water, Lime...
Chairman’s Refresher
Cucumber, Light rum, Hazelnut liqueur...
Club Tropicana
Light rum, Coconut rum, Banana...
Downtown Daiquiri
Light rum, Coconut water, Lime...
Flor de Piña
Mezcal, Sweet herbal liqueur, Honey syrup...
Monk’s Respite
Gin, Yellow herbal liqueur, Coconut water...
Surf City Spritz
Gin, Elderflower liqueur, Pineapple rum...