Coconut cream

Coconut cream isn’t the same as cream of coconut, despite the name; the former is thick and mild-tasting, while the later is sweet and nearly syrupy. Coconut cream is closer to coconut milk, although it is much thicker, containing three or four times as much coconut mateer as the milk does.

It’s rarely used in cocktails, but the ones that do call for it are invariably thick, creamy, and luscious.

Coconut milk
Coconut rum
Coconut syrup
Coconut water
Cream of coconut

Cocktails that use Coconut cream

Beach Towel
Light rum, Simple syrup, Lime...

Coctel Noz de Coco Tropical
Brandied cherries, Cognac, Maraschino...

Nilsson Schmillson
Gin, Sake, Lime...

Sport Pilot
Aged tequila, Mezcal, Falernum liqueur...

The Rug
Bourbon, Coconut cream, Coffee liqueur...
