Blanco tequila

Jose Cuervo, Patron, White tequila, Joven, Plata, Silver tequila, Unaged tequila

Blanco tequila has not been aged in oak, so it has a brighter, more vegetal flavor than aged tequilas. Make sure when you buy your tequila that it says “100% Blue Agave” on the label. Anything else is “mixto” – essentially, a blended spirit, with added sugar to raise the alcohol level.

Agave nectar
Aged tequila
Light rum

Cocktails that use Blanco tequila

Aged tequila, Dry sherry, Honey liqueur...

Aged tequila, Sweet orange apéritif, Grapefruit...

21st Century
Blanco tequila, Crème de cacao, Lemon...

Agave Punch
Aged tequila, Orange, Lemon...

Almond Brother
Aged tequila, Amaretto, Apricot liqueur...

Arizona Mule
Blanco tequila, Cactus fruit syrup, Lime...

Beachfire Margarita
Blanco tequila, Mezcal, Triple sec...

Brave Bull
Blanco tequila, Coffee liqueur,

Bruja Smash
Blanco tequila, Yellow herbal liqueur, Lemon...

Salt, Blanco tequila, Orange...

Salt, Dried chile, Lemon...

Blackberry liqueur, Blanco tequila, Simple syrup...

Aged rum, Blanco tequila, Simple syrup...

Corzo Holly
Strawberry, Basil, Balsamic vinegar...

Dead Man’s Handle
Blanco tequila, Sweet orange apéritif, Lime...

Death Flip
Blanco tequila, Yellow herbal liqueur, Kräuterlikör...

Dos Besitos
Aged tequila, Blanco tequila, Pineapple...

East Village Athletic Club
Blanco tequila, Yellow herbal liqueur, Orange curaçao...

El Diablo
Blanco tequila, Crème de cassis, Lime...

El Puente
Mezcal, Blanco tequila, Blanc vermouth...

Espresso Mexicano
Aged tequila, Espresso, Amaro...

Flor de Jalisco
Blanco tequila, Lemon, Agave nectar...

Freddie Fudpucker
Blanco tequila, Orange, Vanilla anise liqueur...

Blanco tequila, Pineapple, Lime...
