
Orxata, Kunnu aya, Semilla de jicaro

Horchata is a creamy drink, made from milk (animal or vegan), rice or seeds, and spices like cinnamon and vanilla. It can be served cold or hot, and is popular throughout Latin America, Europe, and North Africa.

Horchata liqueur

Cocktails that use Horchata

Café Arroz
Horchata, Aged tequila, Coffee liqueur...

Horchata, Aged tequila, Mezcal...

Praying Mantis creamy cocktail with Fernet Branca Menta, horchata liqueur, creme de cacao, and creme de menthe
Praying Mantis
Mint fernet, Horchata liqueur, Crème de cacao...

Star Splitter
Unaged rhum agricole, Mint fernet, Horchata...
