Drink recipes created by

Harry Craddock

1876-1963. Author of The Savoy Cocktail Book. One of the most famous bartenders of the 20th century.

Are we missing your favorite recipe or mixologist? Have we misattributed a recipe? Let us know!

Gin, Crème de noyaux, White wine apéritif...

Gin, Apricot liqueur, Aromatic bitters...

Marmalade Cocktail
Gin, Lemon, Marmalade...

Old Tom gin, Lemon, Maraschino...

Cameron’s Kick
Scotch, Irish whiskey, Lemon...

Bourbon, Sweet vermouth, Triple sec...

Gin, Apricot liqueur, Orange...

Maiden’s Blush
Gin, Triple sec, Lemon...

Maiden’s Prayer
Gin, Triple sec, Lemon...

Mary Pickford
Light rum, Pineapple, Maraschino...

Gin, Dry vermouth, Triple sec...

Corpse Reviver No. 1
Apple brandy, Sweet vermouth, Brandy...

Corpse Reviver No. 2
Gin, Triple sec, White wine apéritif...

Blue Train
Gin, Blue curaçao, Lemon...

Gin, Yellow herbal liqueur,

Sugar cube, Aromatic bitters, Red wine apéritif...

Are we missing your favorite recipe or mixologist? Have we misattributed a recipe? Let us know!

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