Vanilla syrup

French vanilla syrup, Vanilla bean syrup

Vanilla syrup is an ingredient we’re always looking for as we sift through the piles of recipes in our test list. It’s a crime how underused it is – just a spoonful added to a drink brings out the most wonderful flavor and aroma.

You can buy premade vanilla syrup, but it’s simple to make your own. Heat up equal parts sugar and water, and scrape the contents of one or two vanilla bean pods into the mix. Bring it up to medium-high heat, and stir it occasionally until the sugar is dissolved. Let it cool, strain the vanilla seeds out, put it in a jar, and keep it in the fridge for a week or two.

Brown sugar syrup
Cinnamon syrup
Vanilla liqueur
Vanilla vodka

Cocktails that use Vanilla syrup

Light rum, Blanc vermouth, Lemon...

Bon Bon
Vodka, Limoncello, Butterscotch liqueur...

Café du Maine
Cognac, Coffee liqueur, Espresso...

Caribbean Milk Punch
Dark rum, Bourbon, Vanilla syrup...

Coffee Grog
Butter, Honey, Vanilla syrup...

Espresso Martini
Vodka, Espresso, Simple syrup...

Fireside Chat
Bourbon, Coffee liqueur, Vanilla syrup...

Four in Hand
Bourbon, Apple brandy, Dark rum...

Gin Fizz
Gin, Lemon, Simple syrup...

Golden Beautiful
Aged tequila, Bitter orange apéritif, Lime...

Good Humor
Strawberry, Genever, Bourbon...

Great Pretender
Overproof aged rum, Pineapple, Lime...

Hot for Teacher
Butter, Honey syrup, Cinnamon syrup...

Julius Orange
Orange curaçao, Dark rum, Lemon...

Kiwi Fizz
Kiwifruit, Mint, Vanilla syrup...

Luau Daiquiri
Light rum, Lime, Orange...

Unaged cachaça, Watermelon, Lime...

Monkey Man
Bourbon, Aged rum, Banana liqueur...

Nilsson Schmillson
Gin, Sake, Lime...

Old Fashioned
Bourbon, Aromatic bitters, Simple syrup...

Pillow Talk
Gin, Sloe gin, Violet-berry liqueur...

Porn Star Martini
Vodka, Passion fruit puree, Vanilla syrup...

Aged rum, Allspice dram, Orange...

Ramos Gin Fizz
Gin, Sweet cream, Egg...
